• Decal 1" Dia White - Decal 1" Dia White - Image 0 of 0
  • Decal 1" Dia White Decal 1" Dia White
    Decal 1" Dia White Decal 1" Dia White

Decal 1" Dia White


Here's a fun item that your company won't mind getting "stuck" with. This imprinted white polypro label / decal has a 1 inch dia. Personalize this great product and use it during company promotional events. Package identifiers, favor tags and creative advertising are all terrific uses for this label. What a fun addition to your event, and an excellent help in promoting your business. Order yours today to ensure a successful marketing campaign!


Price from $0.05 - $0.11

Pricing and Charges
Quantity Price Per Unit 500 -999 $0.11 1000 -1999 $0.07 2000 -2999 $0.06 3000 -3999 $0.06 4000 -4999 $0.06 5000 -7499 $0.05 7500 -9999 $0.05 10000 + $0.05

Price Includes: one color imprint

Imprint Charges Price
Artwork Charge - Art Services
Proof Charge - Virtual Proof
Set-up Charge - Digital Press Setup
Artwork Charge - Text Layout